NatHaz On-line Wind Simulator
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Below is a brief description of theoretical backgrounds that NOWS has currently utilized.

Power spectral density function of longitudinal wind velocity fluctuations
- Kaimal et al. (1972); Simiu (1974); Simiu and Scanlan (1996);

Coherence function for two dimensional coordinates
- Davenport (1967)

Simulation schemes of wind velocity fluctuations

1. Discrete frequency function with FFT
- Wittig and Sinha (1975)

2. Schur decomposition approach with AR (autoregressive)
- Di Paola and Gullo (2001); Di Paola (1998)

3. Ergodic spectral representation method
- Deodatis (1996); Ding et al. (2006)

4. Conventional spectral representation method
- Shinozuka and Deodatis (1991)

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