NatHaz On-line Wind Simulator (NOWS) : Input Interface

User Inputs : Please select options and fill out input values.   On-line Unit Converter

Please select the unit of input values (default : Metric)
   If user would like to see English unit output, please select checkbox (default : Metric)
Metric(SI) unit [m, m/s] English unit [ft, mph] Output : English unit

Vertical (z), Horizontal (x) or 2-dimentional (x,z) locations for wind speed simulation
   (Acceptable formats : Delimited by comma(,) or MATLAB-compatible, e.g., 4,8,12 or 4:4:12)
z [m, ft] :
x [m, ft] : z [m, ft] :
x [m, ft] : z [m, ft] :

Total number of frequency (N), cut-off frequency (fc).
   Note that Δt = 1/(2fc); T = 2·N·Δt [in Ergodic SRM, T = 2·N·Δt·(total number of locations)]
N (max = 18000) : fc [Hz] (max = 5) :

Exposure category (A,B,C,D based on ASCE 7-98) and 3-sec gust wind speed (U3-s,10)
A              B              C              D U3-s,10 [m/s, mph]

Wind simulation schemes
Discrete frequency function with Cholesky decomposition and FFT (max 200 locations)
Schur decomposition by AR model and polymonial approximation (max 100 locations)
Ergodic spectral representation with Cholesky decomposition and FFT (max 50 locations)
Conventional spectral representation method (max 200 locations)

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